7:00 am
Doors open for registration and game-master set-up.
8:00 am
8.08 Redcoats Under Fire
Hosted by Leo Walsh and Maurice Holmes using Under Fire variant in 15mm
Period: American War of Independence
British troops brave a hail of musket fire from colonial rebels. Why don't the blighters stand up and fight like men?! Skirmish level. 4-12 players, 4 hours, Level 1
8.10 The Battle of Castiglione, Italy, 1796
Hosted by Leo Murphy using Shako in 15mm
Period: French Revolution
Napoleon has been forced to lift the siege of the Austrian fortress of Mantua in order to meet the threat of the Austrian relief force under Wormser. He has marched his ragged army to engage the Austrians, who are holding a strong position with their right anchored on the town of Solferino and their left on a hill-top redoubt. Napoleon plans his strategy and sets his forces in motion. Is his grand tactical genius enough or does he need the luck which the gods seem to have given him in his early campaigns? 7 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
9:00 am
9.01 Red Sky in Morning, Sailor Take Warning
Hosted by Phillip Spera using A to Z Rules for the Age of Fighting Sail in 1/1200
Period: 18th Century Naval
British and French squadrons clash once again for dominance of the East Indies during the Seven Years War. Clear for action with A to Z Rules' author Phillip Spera in this broadside to broadside confrontation. 6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by Connecticut Game Club
9.05 Battle of Brandywine
Hosted by Mark Nichipor and Greg Symko using Loose Files and American Scramble in 20mm Period: American War of Independence
While Washington holds the main American line at Chad's Ford against von Knyphausen's Hessians, Cornwallis attempts a flanking move against his right. Gen. Sullivan attempts to check the British strategy and shield Washington's flank in one of the bloodiest battles of the War of Independence. In order to recreate the "fog of war" that affected this battle, it will be played on two separate tables. Players may shift units from table to table if their troops are in the right spot! Brought to you by the winner of the Pour Encourager les Autres Award at Tricon '97. 8-16 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
9.07 Suvarov in Italy
Hosted by William Keyser using From Valmy to Waterloo in 15mm
Period: French Revolution
Suvarov and his Austrian allies attack a French force. Both sides are challenged. The outnumbered French must hold until they can bring up their reserves. Suvarov has split his force and is attacking from two direction. Close out the (18th) century with Valmy to Waterloo rules author William Keyser in this 1799 clash! 2-6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
9.11 French Invasion
Hosted by Fred Hubig using Black Powder and Iron Balls in 25mm
Period: French & Indian War
The French and their Indian allies are invading New York along the Lake Champlain route when a British force with colonial support decides to make a stand. Enjoy gaming the woodland war in the grand manner over an expansive table. 6-12 players, 4 hours, Level 1
10:00 am
10.R World at War
Hosted by Allan Wright using modified Sport of Kings
Period: 18th Century
Play in a simulation of the global warfare of the 18th century in this Diplomacy-style, all-day game. World at War will be played while participants attend other convention events and is the only game at the convention that may overlap other events on your registration form. Players will be required to submit turns periodically throughout the day, with their progress updated regularly on an oversize map in the convention hall. The winner will be announced at the award presentations late Saturday. 5-7 players, all day, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
10.03 Rossbach
Hosted by H.W. Coyle using Age of Reason in 25mm
Period: Seven Years War
Shortly after 3 p.m. on November 5th, 1757, a newly-promoted Prussian major general of horse tossed his clay pipe in the air as his signal to begin the battle that would become one of the cornerstones of "Old Fritz's" reputation. Can you out-Seydlitz Seydlitz, or will you salvage the reputation of Prince Soubisse? 9 players, 4 hours, Level 1
11:00 am
11.99 Carnage and Glory: The Wars of Frederick the Great
Lecture hosted by Nigel P. Marsh - 1 hour
Rules author Nigel Marsh will present an overview of his computer-moderated Carnage and Glory rules system, focusing on how the distinctive tactical elements of the era of linear warfare are simulated in his latest module The Wars of Frederick the Great. This new module will be unveiled at Tricon later in the day at his Mollwitz 1741 game.
A native of the United Kingdom, Mr. Marsh became interested in the Napoleonic era after seeing the film Waterloo and the famous Siborne model on display in Birmingham, England. A serious wargamer for 28 years, he wrote his first set of rules at age 10. Work on Carnage and Glory began in 1987 upon his move from England to the United States, and the rules were published in 1989. His exposure to gamers in this country has cultivated his interest in American conflicts, such as the War of Independence and the American Civil War.
1:00 pm
13.99 The Use of Detachments in Early 18th Century Warfare: Precursers to
Skirmishing Tactics
Lecture hosted by Brent Nosworthy - 1 hour
A detailed look at the use of detachments and "small parties" by both infantry and cavalry on the 18th century European battlefield. Mr. Nosworthy explores how small bodies of men were thrown out in front of the formation at certain pre-defined, critical points during the struggle and the similarities between these tactics and skirmish tactics that would evolve by the late 1750s. Based on new primary research in the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at Brown University.
Brent Nosworthy is author of The Anatomy of Victory: Battle Tactics from 1689-1763 as well as With Musket, Cannon and Sword: Battle Tactics of Napoleon and his Enemies and various articles and chapters on military topics. Brent was a game designer during the golden age of military board gaming. He designed games for SPI and was a president of Operational Studies Group (OSG).
13.08 Redcoats Under Fire II
Hosted by Leo Walsh and Maurice Holmes using Under Fire variant in 15mm
Period: American War of Independence
British troops brave a hail of musket fire from colonial rebels. Why don't the blighters stand up and fight like men?! Skirmish level. 4-12 players, 4 hours, Level 1
13.09 More Depredations Along the Canadian Border
Hosted by Dick Bryant using modified Desparado in 25mm
Period: French & Indian War
Abner Lacksbottom and his trusted Mohican sidekick Chinsthatshook continue their attempts to stop the French destruction of American border farms. 6-8 players, 3 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Courier
13.10 Rivoli
Hosted by Peter Landry using Napoleon's Battles in 15mm
Period: French Revolution
Will the fourth attempt to relieve the siege of Mantua succeed? Has Alvintzi learned from the last campaign or will Bonaparte send him packing again? Fight for control of northern Italy. 2-5 players, 5 hours, Level 1
2:00 pm
14.99 How Washington Won the Unwinnable War
Lecture hosted by George C. Neumann
Mr. Neumann will open with a review of the major reasons why George Washington had no chance of winning the American War of Independence. He will then trace how he did it, beginning with the weapons and the way they determined the tactics which defined the army Washington needed.
George C. Neumann is the author of several definitive works on arms of the 18th century, including The History of Weapons of the American Revolution, Swords & Blades of the American Revolution, and The Collector's Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. A graduate of Weslyan University with advanced degrees from Princeton and Harvard Business School, Mr. Neumann is former national commander of The Brigade of the American Revolution and a director and fellow of The Company of Military Historians. He is the creator of the "Neumann Collection" of Revolutionary War militaria now displayed at the Valley Forge National Historical Park and was a consultant to the Public Broadcasting Network's 1997 television series Liberty.
14.01 Mollwitz 1741
Game is FullHosted by Nigel Marsh using Carnage and Glory: The Wars of Frederick the Great in 6mm
Period: War of the Austrian Succession
Rules author Nigel Marsh introduces his latest module for the computer-moderated system Carnage and Glory. Prussians and Austrians clash in the battle that was a wake-up call to Europe that Prussia was no longer a second-rate power despite the fact that young King Fredeick fled the field! 6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
14.02 Dogfight Off Donegal
Hosted by Rodney Fernald using Clear for Action in 1/1200
Period: 18th Century Naval
British and French frigates mix it up off the coast of Ireland in 1798. Pile on the canvas and maneuver for position in the Age of Sail.
Sponsored by Battle Group Boston
14.04 Bloody Tomahawks #3: War Cries in the Woods
Hosted by Earl Richards using Struggle for North America in 25mm
Period: French & Indian War
Hidden moves, ambushes, uncertainty it's all here in this chance encounter fight in the woods round lake George. Before you fire are they friends or foe? Find out! Skirmish level. 6-10 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
14.05 The Battle of Bergen
Hosted by Ralph Gero using Volley & Bayonet in 15mm
Period: Seven Years War
Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick rouses his army from winter quarters, marching to strike the French before they can concentrate. The French collect a large army at Bergen but Ferdinand doesn't hesitate to attack. A challenge for both sides. The allied army has fewer, but very capable, troops. The French infantry isn't as solid as the allies', but they do have a large and enthusiastic cavalry arm. A winner of Tricon's Pour le Merite award. 6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
14.06 The Battle of Long Island
Hosted by George Zanni using Loose Files and American Scramble in 15mm
Period: American War of Independence
General Howe has flanked Washington's position on Long Island and is poised to bag the entire rebel army. The Americans must fight a fierce rear-guard action until their slow-moving baggage trains can make it to safety. This is an extremely well balanced game in which both sides must keep their objectives in focus. 8 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by the Northern Conspiracy
14.07 Marlborough to Frederick
Hosted by William Keyser using Marlborough to Frederick in 15mm
Period: Seven Years War
Austrians and Prussians clash in this game hosted by rules author William Keyser using the play test Seven Years War version of From Valmy to Waterloo. The rules emphasize fire systems and stress that commanders down to regimental level are important to army effectiveness. Four types of fire delivery systems are represented. Each as advantages and disadvantages, and you must determine which will work for you and hope that your opponent doesn't choose one that negates your choice. 2-6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
3:00 pm
15.03 Cold Steel! Hot Lead! Sharp Pikes!
Hosted by Steve Smith using Koenig Krieg in 15mm
Period: Great Northern War
A Swedish supply column headed to reinfoce King Charles is attacked by Russian and Polish forces led by Peter the Great. Can the outnumbered Swedes hold on? 4-6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Exiles
5:00 pm
17.09 Armies That Go Bump in the Night
Hosted by Jim Dirmaier using Koenig Krieg in 15mm
Period: Marlburian
The Duke of Marlborough continually outsmarted his French opponents by crossing their defensive lines at night. An unusual system for night movement makes this game unique. 4-8 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Exiles
17.11 Celtic Fury: Falkirk, January 17, 1746
Hosted by Mark Mocarski using Broadsword and Bayonet in 25mm
Period: Jacobite Rebellion of 1745
A visual extravaganza of the largest battle of the '45 Rising as roughly 9,000 Jacobites square off against 9,000 of Gen. "Hangman" Hawley's Hanovarians in a stand-up, toe-to-toe slugfest. Played on a 6x12 table with terrain boards and more than 800 25mm figures. A lecture on the battle precedes the game. (Please register for lecture separately.) Winner of the Pour le Merite Award at Tricon '97. 12 players, 6 hours, Level 1
6:00 pm
18.99 A Western Expedition Against the Indians: Sullivan�s Campaign of 1779
Lecture hosted by Robert E. Mulligan - 1 hour
In 1799 Gen. Washington sent New Hampshire's John Sullivan west to take the war to the British-allied "Six Nations" of the Iroquois Confederacy led by chief, Joseph Brandt. Mr. Mulligan will trace the progress of the campaign, assessing Sullivan's leadership and measuring the success of his expedition.
Robert Mulligan is a lifelong wargamer and an 18th century re-enactor. He served as curator at Fort Ticonderoga and for 25 years as military curator of the New York State Museum in Albany, N.Y. He is a past adjutant of The Brigade of the American Revolution.
18.08 Eyes on the Prize
Hosted by Ted Roy using Clear for Action in 1/300
Period: 18th Century Naval
This game will be a non-distance-scaled (1/300scale ranges) cutting out expedition, using Ted's exquisitely-crafted Langton 1/300 scale ships. Set on an over-sized table and fully-terrained with bluffs, a town, a swamp and coastal batteries, it will be visually stunning and tactically challenging. Boarders awaaay! 4-6 players, 3 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by Battle Group Boston
7:00 pm
19.01 Kalisz, October 19, 1706
Game is FullHosted by Greg Symko using From Marlborough to Frederick Fast Play Rules in 25mm
Period: Great Northern War
At Kalisz, Russia defeated the Swedes for the first time, beginning the steady erosion of Charles X11's dominance of the battlefield during the Great Northern War. Peter the Great's boys, with Polish cavalry, take on an equal number of Swedish invaders of Mother Russia. 4-6 players, 3 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
19.02 Turkish Border Clash Game is Full
Hosted by Steve Keyer using Carnage and Glory in 15mm
Period: Seven Years War
While the Russian army marches to meet the Prussians, the Ottoman Empire decides to strke the soft underbelly of Russia. Can Moscow fend off the fellahin and janissaries of the Sublime Porte? 4-6 players, 4 hours, Level 1
19.04 Big Trouble for Yari no Gonza
Hosted by Peter Mancini, Rodney Fernald and Mark Brown using BGB House Rules in 25mm
Period: 18th Century Japan
In the 18th century, master spearman Gonza Sasano was assigned to officiate at the tea ceremony for his Lord Ichinoshin, who was away on duty in Edo. Seeking to use the opportunity for greater social advancement, he approached Osai, the Lord's wife, for access to the sacred clan tea scrolls. She gave access only after Gonza swore to marrry her 15-year-old daughter. Bonnojo, a mighty Bushi, was understandably outraged Gonza was already engaged to his siter, Oyuki! Further, Osai had already rejected his own advances! Sound confusing? Wait until this action begins! 2-8 players, 4 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by Battlegroup Boston
19.07 Battle of Bennington
Hosted by Phillip Hamond using Volley & Bayonet in 25 mm
Period: American War of Independence
On his way to Saratoga, "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne has sent his faithful Brunswickers to capture a Continental supply depot near Bennington, Vt. Unknown to him, John Stark has amassed 1,500 of Vermont and New Hampshire's finest to welcome them. See if you can hold out for reinforceents (British) or give old Johnny's troops the boot! 2-6 players, 3 hours, Level 1
Sponsored by The Northern Conspiracy
19.10 "Blood Hounds" in the Valley: The Battle of Klock's Field
Hosted by Raymond Andrews using A Rabble in Arms in 30mm
Period: American War of Independence
A Crown force of regulars, Germans, loyalists and Indians clash with rebel militia and Continentals at Klock's Field during the great British raid of 1780. 4-6 players, 3 hours, Level 2
National Park Service historian Mark Nichipor, with the assistance of uniformed period re-enactors, will recreate and analyze the events of April 19, 1775 at Concord's North Bridge when British regulars and local militia opened fire on one another, sparking open rebellion. Held on the actual battle site, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity reserved for Tricon '98 participants.